Monday, June 30, 2008

The Clusterfuck of a Pool...

Chris and I did go ahead and by the above ground pool yesterday. Let me tell you about what a bitch this thing was. We set it up in one area, and after there was a few inches of water in there we realized that it needed to be moved. We then emptied it out using the drain but the last inch had to be bailed out by me of course. Chris could not help with his wrist so he was inside playing Halo. I was pissed, all sorts of pissed. I did finally get it emptied, my back is now killing me but at least it is done. Then we move it and as of this morning it was full. I put money aside for our I am sure outrageous water bill. Tonight we are going to throw in the chemicals and turn on the filter.

To add to the white trashiness of the situation we also bought a blow up beer pong table that goes in the pool. I am so looking forward to playing that sucka.

Update: It had to be frigging drained because when we got back form work yesterday it was sinking into the ground! We have a few options. One option is to take it down, level the ground even more than it already was and put pressure treated wood under each beam. The second option is to just take it down and try again next year. The third option is to take the stupid thing back. I called the store this morning and they said that would not be a problem at all. I am leaning towards taking it back but I think Chris wants to try and fix it one more time. I am so sick of it because 1) my back, neck, legs are still sore. I haven't been this sore in months. 2) my hands are all cut up from bailing out the water 3) we already spent somewhere around $400 in the wasted water, we can at least get the money for the pool back so we only use $400, not $700.

Done with Clomid...for this cycle at least

Day 5 was yesterday and I am officially done with that part of this cycle. Next comes the injection, which should arrive at our house on Wednesday. My endometrium should also come in around Wednesday also. I will have to say I was expecting it to be much worse then it was. Hell, my rings are even fitting again today. I was so bloated yesterday, you probably could have popped me with a pin. Tomorrow if my first monitoring appointment and I am not sure what to expect since I have never been on clomid before so who knows how long or short this cycle will be. They were going to see me today, but if I wait until tomorrow then I won't have to drive an hour north which is more than fine with me.

Saturday, June 28, 2008


Today is day four of clomid, only one more day left!!! My friend's daughter stepped on my stomach tonight and it killed! Only for a second of course, but damn I have never been so sore in that area. Then Chris was poking my hips and of course they are sore also and I am not sure if it's hormonal or just that they are sore. I am also already bloated, the first thing that Chris said when he saw me for the first time in a week was the my boobs were bigger. My sister was at the outlets today and I had her grab me some shorts in a size 8. Whoops! Just last summer I was two sizes smaller. I feel like I bloated when I was pregnant and it never went away. Oh well, I will worry about that later.

So that's it! The RE's office did not order the endometrium in three month increments so I sort of got screwed there. I will have to make sure next time that they do so I can get my one month for free. I mind as well use this insurance to its fullest potential! I am off to hang with the hubby. We are most likely going to get one of those above ground pools tomorrow. It is going to take up most of the yard, but it will be nice. It is a little on the trashy side but you know I am sort of over it. Peace.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Clomid- Day 3

Ouch! Sore ovary warning ahead...I noticed last night I couldn't lay on my stomach and today my ovaries are even sore if I bend over. At the end of the day if that is the only issue I have with being on clomid I figure I am in the free and clear. Plus with ovary pain, I would say it is safe to assume that the meds are working and my ovaries are in overdrive.

I am going to pick up Chris in about an hour! Yay! My supervisor was out of work today and it was a wonderful day. I tried to answer the phone as soon as it rang so god forbid no one will call on me. Of course not as much work got done but if this is how she wants it then it is more than fine with me. I actually felt ok leaving work today and not like I wanted to quit so that is always a good thing.

Our stimulus check was supposed to come today but did not. We aren't doing anything fun with it, just getting some attic stairs and I believe that both of the cars are due for a tune up soon as mine is nearing 60k and Chris' is just plain old. I need my car to last, it was such a good deal and I love it so I am just going to continue babying the crap out of it. So, it doesn't really matter when we get it. We did get the letter earlier this week though saying we should have it by today and that if we don't get it in six weeks we need to call. It's always something!

I just realized

I was actually out three days in a row. We had our recognition on Friday and then I was out Monday and Tuesday. I don't consider my sweet ass to be behind at all. Screw that and the horse it rode in on. I am going to try and answer the phones right away, although then I won't get as much work done but hey if it's what the sup wants, it's what she wants.

I decided that I am going to take some business management classes over the summer and fall to see how I like them. It can't hurt, plus with both of our business at home it will be helpful to learn how to write a business plan and the such. I think I am going to take an accounting class also just to learn the basics. As long as I keep looking forward, I think I will be fine here until I find something else.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

How Much I Hate My Job

A lot. I just wrote a huge rant about it but then choose to delete it so I won't look like a total and complete asshole. I just got chewed out again for the client's calling the supervisor. Sorry, I was out sick for two days of course my shit is going to be a few days behind. She is apparently very "worried." I am very "worried" that I am going to lose it and quit. Even with a few days out of the office I am not even close to being the furthest behind on their work in the office. I know she is not going to approve my vacation day for next week now. I am seriously at a loss on what to do. I never should have left my old pool to begin with. She will never give me a good recommendation so I will never get a new job. I hate being here so much I doubt I will improve much. I guess all I can do is kiss everyone's ass, work overtime so I am never a day behind, get pregnant and suck it up, or never get pregnant and quit until I find something else. Goddamned stupid state economy and their fucking hiring freeze.

Clomid- Day 2

I am still feeling good. A few cramps here and there but nothing different than a normal cycle. I am still waiting for the other shoe to drop and feel like crap, but when I looked up the actual s/e stats they are not that high. Phew. I can't wait to go in next Tuesday to find out how many follies I have cooking in there. We are looking for between 1 and 3. Anymore than that will result in a canceled cycle and it would just plain suck because I am on such low dose as it is. That's all I have to report on that front.

Chris is coming home tomorrow! I am going to pick him up from work and then we are going to go do some sort of date. I really want to see Wall-E, but Wanted has good reviews also so it will all work out either way. Our project for the weekend is to construct our own bean bag lawn game. We already have all of the wood we need in the shed and then we just need to buy a jigsaw to cut out the hole. Then I am of course going to paint it in some crazy fashion. Being that there will be 25 people at my mom's house for the fourth of July weekend she is looking for as many drinking games as she can come up with to keep everyone amused. I have a feeling we will be a bunch of shitfaced Irish drunks laying around in the pool like usual, so I bought us a beer pong float at FYE last weekend! Then we can stay cool and play beer pong, the best of both worlds of course.

I painted my nails a ridiculous aqua color last night. It looks cute on the toes, but my nails- not so much. I feel like a 13 year old with my crazy aqua nails.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Home from Work

I am finally home from my hellish eleven hour day at work. I actually didn't have a single intake the second half of the day so it wasn't so bad.

I am now watching the crazy ass "Baby Borrowers" show on NBC. It is pretty hysterical. The one girl flat out refused to wear the baby belly so her boyfriend ended up wearing it for her. The next couple tried to put the baby to sleep without her pajamas and a new diaper. Anyways, I will be watching this show until its over because it's pretty amusing.

I am doing well on the clomid. I noticed no differences today besides I had awful gas pains the rest of the day. It might have had something to do with my lunch, who knows. I suppose I will find out tomorrow.

The munchkins are in their cage tonight because I can't have them sleeping on my head for another night. A few mintues ago I peeked into my bedroom and they were on the bed "pretending to sleep." Yes, the pugs do pretend to sleep. I should have pulled out the camera but they would have moved if they saw me get up.

What is with television. First we have "it's not reality TV, it's birth control" followed by Celebrity Circus. What in the hell is that all about. Of course I am sure I will watch it though. I have never even heard of most of these people. I am off to to let the farters outside.

Clomid- Day 1, hour 6

I have no adverse side effects to report yet. Since I am so sensitive to many medications I figured I would be hovering over a toilet by now puking my guts out. This has not yet happened and I am thrilled.

My first monitoring appointment is next Tuesday. I am working late tonight and generally when you work late you can use your comp time sometime before the following Wednesday. Well, our "we do whatever we want downstate" supervisors have decided that you can only use the time on Thursday or Friday and you can not come in late on Wednesday so you only have to work a 7.5 hour shift. Now being that I used to work upstate, I realize this is all a bunch of power trip bullshit, we want to suck as much time out of you as possible. We used to have a whole pay period to use our Wednesday night comp time how we saw fit so that we wouldn't have to take time to go to the doctors or anything else. Yes, and it is the same damn division. Thank god I have tons of time to take and the office is only 5 minutes from work. Fucking fuckers.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Injection Video

I just watched the injection video on Freedom Pharmacy's website just like the nurse told me to. It doesn't seem too hard. We will see how we do when 6 o'clock comes that day. Medco just called and set up my medication shipment. Now I am all worried I will ovulate before it gets here or something ridiculous like that, but it will be here next Wednesday which will only be day 12 so I am sure it will turn out fine. They are still processing the endometrium, I asked for a three month supply since Medco does a deal with their 90 day supplies, it's buy two get one month free. So it will all get used whether I get pregnant this month or have to use it again next month.

I start the clomid tomorrow morning. It should be tons of fun! I am looking forward to it, I at least feel like we are being proactive now on getting me pregnant and keeping me there. I am also working on my Good Karma, lol, so that should help also! Speaking of that, my dad is super excited for me to bring the ones I already have made up to the fam on the fourth of July.

I am going back to work tomorrow. I sort of wish I took off the whole week and if my work was at least partially taken care of while I was out I would consider it, but since it is not I am going back tomorrow. I am working until seven tomorrow night and then it will basically be Thursday, just one more day until Chris comes home! This wasn't half as bad as I thought it would be. The house is super clean, the boys are super boys, and that's about it. I haven't eaten much because I hate only cooking for one. It always seems like such a waste.

I am watching Rain Man for the first time ever. I really like it, I can't believe I never saw it before today. I am going to try another walk tonight, but with it being so damn hot the pugs get about a block away and then they lay down in random yards. Peace out.

Day Two of No Husband

I am off work again because I am sick and I am headed off to the beach with my friend and her daughters. The pug of loves sleep with me and are my surrogate husband for the week. The curl up behind me and keep me warm. I am also slightly allergic to them so I sound sick as a dog when I wake up but it wears off throughout the day.

I went to the RE yesterday for my baseline appointment. Everything is a go for the clomid cycle and I learned how to give myself an Ovidrel shot. That should be exciting. They are also giving me endometrium for the second half of my cycle so that maybe I won't miscarry this time. Of course our HR person screwed up our insurance and it switched June 1st, not July 1st as they told us into Chris' name. We were never sent new cards so of course from the miscarriage when I went to the doctors yesterday they said I had a ridiculous balance. They were awesome about it and I didn't have to pay a dime of it. I just have to wait for the billing department to call me back today so that I can give them the correct info.

I am out of here for the day!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

As soon as I posted

About my period, I got it! Thank the lord. The cramps suck so bad that I went back to bed after Chris left this morning. I called the RE, but of course its the weekend so they have not told me yet when I need to come in tomorrow. I will call again at 7:30 to see when I can come in. I am not going to go in tomorrow since after I am done with the doctor's I am going to go hang out with my friend since she is off for the week.

I am off to watch the gymnastic olympic trials. Yay!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

All I want today

Is to get my period. That's it. Is it really too much to ask for that my body ever does the right thing? I am not pregnant, we know I ovulated over two weeks ago so where the fuck is my period. Help me out here before I totally have a freak attack. I already know this is going to be the period from hell but really can we just get it over with. I am so pms irritated I can't even take being around myself today.

I have shitloads of laundry to do before tomorrow morning so I can pack for Chris. Then we have to go to a party tonight down the street which should actually be fun. I am sure getting shit faced is going to help my mood.

In other news my aunt sent me my St. Gerard medal so that if I ever manage to get pregnant again, he is the saint of fertility or something like that. What about the saint of infertility, do we have one of those because I think I need that also. Peace out.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Well I can't see it at work, but I am hoping there is a label above this. I made it using the gimp last night. Now, Chris will beautify it in photoshop and it will look 100 times better than this but I didn't think I did too bad for my first shot at it.

We made a small batch of scrub last night and had a bit of an issue with the vanilla oil. It's clumpy and Chris about poured in half the bottle. Needless to say I like the consistency we made but it smells like hell.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


My carrier oils should be at my house when I get home today! Very exciting. Chris and I have been spending all week fooling around with different scents. So far we have three favorites and I ordered more essential oils this week so hopefully they will be in by next week so while he is gone I can get making everything. The two essential oils I absolutely hate are Ginger and Lemongrass. Ginger smells like a funky ass pet store and I am just not sure what I don't like about the lemongrass.

Our kicking (welfare)stimulus check should finally come in by the end of the month. I think I am going to take a couple hundred out of it and by myself a printer and maybe a new desk. Or I might just wait and ask for that for my birthday since that is right around the corner also. Chris thinks that we can take the labels to Staples and they can print them out so we can always do that instead. We will see.

My hair needs to start growing a little bit quicker, but I think I am also due for a trim. The front just needs to get long enough so that I can put it in a half ponytail and to tuck it behind my ears. The back is doing well but the front is just funky unless I put it up in barrettes. I need to find a new hairdresser. With gas being so high it's not worth it to drive up to Jersey anymore and I can't stand the two places I have tried so far in my town. Oh well.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Well body...

It's rounding four o'clock so now you are going to have to hold off until Thursday. Getting my period tomorrow will just not work at all for me since I have somewhere to be Friday morning that is no where near the RE's office. Please take this into consideration.


Today would be a great day for my period to come because then I could go in on Thursday for my b/w and u/s. Tomorrow would be no good because I am going to Dewey on Friday for work and Thursday/Friday would suck because then I would have to drive an hour north since my office isn't open on the weekends. So, today would work just great for me.

I couldn't get into Intervention last night. That was the most unlikeable character I have ever seen on that show. Speaking of drug shows, I can't wait to watch The Cleaner on A & E. It looks so good and Chris and I just can't get enough of the intervention-type shows.

That's about it for now.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Clomid or Chlamydia

My mom sometimes messes her words up and it throws the whole family into fits of laughter. Yesterday she asked me when I was starting my chlamydia. Uh, mom it's clomid. Then I explain to her how this cycle is going to go and she asks how much the chlamydia is. My dad then starts busting out laughing at her and she has no idea that she said it again. He says something like do they have you have sex with random guys in the waiting room to get it. At this point we are all peeing ourselves laughing at her. Good thing she can laugh at herself because I am sure as long as I am on it we will all be calling it chlamydia.


Girl's night was Saturday night and let me just tell you, we had a blast. We all struck out big time at the casino but all was well as it was their first time there so it was fun anyway. Then we went home, played two rounds of scene it and then started drinking. This is where it got entertaining because we decided it would be fun to play drunken karaoke. I wish that we had a video camera because I am sure it was pretty freaking funny. We finally went to bed around two. I haven't had that much fun with the girls in quite a long time.

Well, we know how Father's Day usually goes in our house...not good since Chris' dad is the biggest douche alive and we don't even speak to him anymore. But...this year it wasn't so bad. We went to my parent's house and just lounged around all day. We played cards in the pool for a few hours, played a few rounds of scene it on the xbox, which by the way my mother loved and I am sure is buying one today for the house, and ate like only we eat on holidays. It was fun and relaxing.

Casey and I went a few rounds at the house which is different for us. I asked her months ago to come to our girl's night on Saturday and she said that she couldn't because she had to work. No big deal. Then I talk to my dad on Saturday and he said that she is having a party at her apartment tonight. Uh, ok. So instead of her saying that she couldn't come down because of gas or that she just wanted to do her own thing she gets this frigging attitude with me about how she can do whatever she wants. I of course then call her a bitch, because she is and told her that I was not going to bother inviting her over anymore. Then she says she has been to my house twice since we have lived there. We have lived in our house for almost three years and a half years now. Big freaking deal. It's only 45 minutes away and we are up there at least once or twice a month. It's like she went to college and became an asshole. Last week she was fighting with my brother because her watching his dog was cutting into her partying. She also refused to pick us up at the airport which is 20 minutes from my parent's house because if she went out she wouldn't want to get up. When we came home from the airport, her and her boyfriend were just sleeping at the house. And she wants me to take off work to help her decorate her house next month. I don't freaking think so. Chris has been saying for a while that she is turning super selfish and I keep saying it's a college phase, and I hope to god that it is because I just can't get into her right now. Also, I am having my girl cousins over the night before the 4th since they live eight hours away and I thought it would be fun for just us to hang out. Yeah, she isn't coming down to that either. Ugh, was I an asshole like this in college???

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Oh, and...

The RE finally called me back. My beta is still zero so nothing is growing in there that should not be and I did ovulate and should be getting my period is six days. Then bring on the clomid. My lucky husband will be away for the week that I am taking it so he is going to miss out on all the fun side effects I have read about. He said last night that he is going to call my girlfriends to check on me. LOL!

The Best Night!

Chris and I had the best time last night. We first got home and went for a nice, long walk. Then we headed to the movies to see the Incredible Hulk. It was much better than I had anticipated and I loved the ending. You have to go see it.

On the way home I saw that a new restaurant opened by our house and I of course swerved off of 13 to get into their parking lot. It is called Pizza Di Meo. I thought it was just a little take out joint, but when we walked in they have the cutest dining area set up off of the take out counter. It was cheap and the food was delicious. We had brushetta and a pizza with extra cheese and mushrooms. OMG, best food ever. Plus, we have enough left over for another meal this weekend.
Then we came home and played video games until one and that was that. I have not had such a relaxing night in I have no idea how long. Not even when we were on vacation. I love my husband.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Tic Tac Update

If you suck on them and don't bite into them at all, they are not half bad.


Friday the 13th! Scary stuff, right? Or, maybe not.

I am hella pissed at the RE's office. I had to get some blood work done yesterday and it is now 4:21 and I still have not heard anything back yet. If my hormones aren't whacked out from the miscarriage then something else funky is going on and I need to find out what. Seeing stars isn't one of my favorite things so I would like to know what is up. I am sure I won't hear anything until tomorrow if I am lucky. Oh well.

Don't you just love being left out of things? It's one of my favorites. The sad thing is that with me on the slightly depressed side of life I truly don't give a flying fuck...but when I am really feeling better then I am not going to be a thrilled person. Give us the option of wanting to do something or not based on the fact that kids will be around. If you forgot about where I work, let me remind you, The Welfare Office. Yep, doesn't bother me at all. Being left out does. Peace.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

My interview

I just kicked some serious ass at my interview. It's a lateral transfer but with a totally different division working for a different client base. Oh, and it's also a three minute drive from my house. I would save around fourty on gas a week so even though I won't be making more I will have more money in the account. Being that I work where I do we all know it will be weeks, if not a month before I find anything out. Good things are happening today...

My containers and sea salts are in!

My containers came in yesterday. I took a picture of them, but then I forgot to upload it onto my computer last night. I really like them! The salts should be in today but of course the carrier oils still have not been shipped yet. I might hit up the all natural store down the street and see if they have any that I can at least start with. I will never go through the Chemistry Store again, they take too damn long. Even if it shipped today, there is no way it would be here by this weekend. Oh well!

Update: I just went home before my interview and my sea salts were also in! Now all I have wait for is the damn carrier oils to come in.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

This is funny

I was on the nest of course and I saw that someone had been ttc for 30 months, I thought damn that's a long time. Then it dawned on me later that 30 months is 2.5 years, which is right around where we are. Wow, this is why I choose to not count months anymore.


Our ten week appointment was supposed to be today. We were supposed to graduate from the RE and see our ob/gyn today. I thought I would be much more upset than I actually am. Nothing is perfect, you can't always get what you want, blah blah blah...

Girl's night is on Saturday and I have decided I am going to take them to the casino so we can play the penny slots before we do some game playing and drinking back at the home base. I think I am going to take $20 and then win a whole bunch so that I can buy myself a new desk for the upstairs middle room. The kitchen table just isn't cutting it and I do need some sort of storage up there for the bills and for my business. Chris has my old cabinet downstairs for his business. So Dover Downs, here I come to take at least $100 from you so I can buy myself a new desk. Be prepared!

My clients are totally off the hook. I just had a guy screaming at me so loud that the supervisor came in. He said he is a Navy vet and deserves not to be scrutinized. Sorry buddy, that doesn't mean a damn thing to me. I was probably in more danger today with your crazy ass in my office then you were half the time you were riding around in a boat. Get a job! Being a vet doesn't give you the right to live off of the government. You are younger than me for christ's sake and you are able to work. Piss off.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


When I don't have a catchy title I am just going to go with the date. This heat is making me feel barfarific. Why in the world did I ever want to move down south anyway? I will have to say though I have been off all pain meds for a few weeks now and I feel really good. So that is one good thing that has been going on lately.

Chris and I are doing much better as of this morning. He is talking to me more about the miscarriage and we are both ready to try again next month. Now my period just has to hold out until next week so that we don't miss when I ovulate because he will be in Ohio. Damn body. Last night we did more of the "All about Us" book. It's really a lot of fun and interesting to see what things we differ on but we have the same answers on most items. No fights have broken out yet over it so that's a good thing(just kidding). I highly recommend it, we bought it at the airport bookstore and started it on the way home from Vegas.

I applied for three more jobs today. I am trying my best to let everything my supervisor says roll off my back. She went in on me again this morning but I am just giving it the big F you. As long as I do my job and keep the clients from calling her I think I will be fine. Peace out.

Buca vs. Eddy's Ice Cream

Monday, June 9, 2008

My oils came in!

My aromatherapy oils for my sea salt scrubs came in today. They are so concentrated it's hard to get a read on what they will actually smell like when they are diluted. Hopefully the dead sea salt and the almond/apricot oil will be in this week also along with the containers so I can get rolling.

I have bad ass cramps. Like knock me over and fuck me cramps.

Tic Tacs

Are seriously gross. I bought the new Chill big tic tacs are they are just nasty. I should have stuck with my goog old old ice breakers in the aqua tin. Those are awesome. Thats all I have for now.

Could this get any better?

So, Chris and I are both I would say officially depressed. Any day where I am sleeping until eleven and I am not sick is not a good one. We are both now wondering that if maybe we really aren't supposed to have kids because we are bad people with awful karma. I would have to say I am doing much better than Chris is but I am sure that is just because of the prozac that I am on. I wake up every morning wondering if the past two months really happened. Will I ever get pregnant again, and even if I do will I just lose it again? Are we really bad people? Why can everyone get pregnant but us, and if we never do where will we come up with the $20k to adopt? What is wrong with us? Are we truly undeserving? Why am I even working if we are never going to have kids?

I frigging hate my job, but luckily I do have at least one interview coming up on Thursday. My supervisor seems pissed about it, but at this point I don't care. She asked why I didn't take the position closer to home when I had the chance. I told her that this is with a different division so it's totally different. She is just mad because she might not be able to hire someone new in my spot. Even if this one doesn't work out, then I should have at least two more coming up soon.

Chris' goddamned computer shit the bed. Which personally I am not sad about so he can finally buy a new one but he is mad because he has to spend money on it. I am just so mad. Mad that someone even sad it was our karma to begin with that caused us to lose the baby. Mad that we lost the baby. Mad that people just don't get it.

We watched our good friends kids this weekend. We picked them up at a wedding and took them home in our car. All I could think was this may be the only time we ever have car seats in our car. I did fine, I love those kids and they were perfect. But poor Chris had a panic attack. I don't have trouble being around kids or pregnant women but again I am around them all day so I really don't even have a choice but to let it not bother me. If it did, I probably would have had to quit a long time ago.

That's it for now. I am just peeing on sticks daily to see if I ovulated yet so we can get the show on the road to start next cycle. I think I most likely missed it though while we were away.

Friday, June 6, 2008

WTF spotting...

Dear hooha,
Just leave me alone for one more week. I don't know what you think you are up to at this moment but the pink spotting has got to go. I realize that you are still sore from last month's activities but I need you to relax until it's time to get my period in the next ten days or so. Maybe you ovulated and that is the reason for the pink spotting which is totally not of the norm and if that is the reason then I am fine with that.

your tired brain

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Viva Las Vegas

Let me first off start by saying that I had a wonderful time hanging out with C while we were in Vegas. We drank tons of daiquiris, had great sex, and walked the strip. Having said that, I would never go back to Vegas unless C was really dying to go again.

He has been talking about going to Vegas forever and when I heard my dad was going to be a part of the jewelry show I decided to book the trip. The flight out wasn't bad at all and we spent most of the first day just walking around. The next two days we just drank, walked around and played the slots. C didn't gamble at all, which I thought was odd considering he kept saying he wanted to but never did. I think everyone there just spends so much money and he didn't want to get caught up wasting it. He isn't the best gambler ever, he gets up and then instead of quitting he keeps going and loses. Now we are only talking a few hundred since we have been together because once he is done he is done. I did win about $100 though plus dinner for two at the Wynn which was worth $75. That was quite an awesome dinner.

That was about it. The last day we didn't do much. I was not happy at all with our hotel. The second night we came back from the Strip we found that our sheets were dirty and all the hotel did was change our room. There was freaking blood at the top of the sheet. We didn't even get an apology. The housekeeping supervisor told me it was probably just rust. I am sure I could have complained more and taken it higher but the truth was that I really didn't care. We didn't even buy any souvenirs. Again, it was great to get away but for how much money we spent I am sure there were other things we could have done that we would have enjoyed more.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Beta is negative!

As soon as we got off the plane this morning, Chris and I headed down to the doctor's office for my final blood draw from the miscarriage. We got the call while we were sleeping and my beta is finally negative and we are a go to try again as soon as I get my period. Yay! I will post a blog tomorrow about our trip to Vegas.