Monday, October 31, 2011

Destined to be a gymnast?

Probably not:)  Let's face it, the kid is a bruiser.

What is with all of the colors?  Walking into the gym made me very nostalgic of the days of a blue floor/mats and the perfect 10.  I still have such a love/hate relationship with the sport, Chris said I was beaming the whole time and I would say it is because I enjoyed coaching so much but it is more than that.  It's a good thing we don't have a girl as that is the one sport I would steer her clear away from which would actually be pretty hypocritical on my part.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

1st year pics- Round 2

To say we are much happier with these would be an understatement!  The picture of the three of us looking at the wall is even going appear somewhere in the picture people store, haha.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

My hip

hurts so bad I want to punch something.  Seriously.  I was walking with the laundry basket last night and ran into the corner of the door frame.  The laundry basket left a lovely little bruise on my stomach but I guess I also jolted  my hip somehow.  Then you add in a rainy week and you have a limping Kate.  I go to the doctor anyway tomorrow for a follow up on my hand situation so I will have her take a look to see what the hell I did to myself this time.

An update to my hand situation is that I have two ganglion cysts, one in each wrist because I don't do anything half-assed.  The hand specialist was great, it only took him a few minutes and a x-ray to figure out what was going on.  Unfortunately because of their location and size he is unable to drain them so for now my only option is pain management.  The size and location is also why they are being such a pain, the cysts are pressing on my joints and nerves so the pain all makes sense now.  We are all hoping that as Jax becomes more mobile they will shrink and no longer cause all sorts of issues with my hands.  If in a year they are still bothering me surgery is an option but it is both hands and there is a 1 in 5 chance it will come back so time will tell what ends up happening there. I was also given wrist braces to wear at night when I am having a lot of pain.  So that is that in a nutshell for now.  Enough of my bitching, here was Jax this morning!

Teeth 7, 8,9, and 10 are all making an appearance.  I noticed this morning that the left bottom tooth in the front popped through over night.  His molar gums(?) can only be described as angry looking.  No wonder the poor kid was up at 4:40 this morning with his hands in his mouth crying.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I thought that once I got my new phone I would blog from it, but not so much!  We had another great weekend, it was 82 out so we hit Rehoboth Beach for one final trip before fall sets in.  Apparently everyone else had the same idea as we almost turned around because we couldn't find a parking spot.  We ended up parking five blocks north and it turned out great, in fact, I think we may park there from now on.  It will be much easier to drag the umbrella and chairs since it is so close, it is less crowded and there is a cute little outdoor bar that we can grab lunch at instead of battling the summer crowds on the main drag.  Win win.  Speaking of Win Win, if you haven't seen the new to dvd movie with Paul Giamatti you need to see it.  Pee my pants, laugh out loud and almost wake the baby hilarious.

Jax seems to be getting more confident in his walking skills.  He lets go more often and attempts to run towards the dogs.  It is so cute!  Jax is all but transitioned into the toddler room, ack!  They said it usually takes a month but after just a few days he wants nothing to do with the infant room.  LOL, what a little ham.  On Friday they brought him back to the infant room for the afternoon and when he saw his new teacher walk by he started yelling and reaching out for her.  Since everyone is a sucker where he is concerned she scooped him up and took him back to the tods room.  This week they are going to attempt nap time on the nap mat and if that goes well I think he will be fully transitioned by next week.  Holy shit, he really isn't a baby anymore!

We did go to the Pic.ture People in Cherry Hill this weekend with Foxy and Aunt Casey to get Jax's one year photos done.  I am not at all happy with them so I am so glad I kept my appointment for Sunday at the one we usually go to in Delaware.   The kid was downright posing for the camera and she managed to get zero shots of him full on smiling.  I should have just declined to buy any but I was worried that if next week he happened to be in a mood or something that we wouldn't get any good then either.   Here they are-

And a few more pics from the weekend-
Pumpkin picking with foxy and aunt casey

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

1 year stats

Ok, I don't have exact stats but here is what I got from Chris

Height-29. something inches  We do know that he is 30th percentile for height
Weight- 21.something.  No gain from 9 months but that doc said that was ok.  Let's face it, the kid has some extra chub for himself and everyone else in daycare.  35th percentile
Head circ- no idea, they measured it and said it was normal

Everything else is right where it should be for a year.  Little man is taking steps here and there on his own and has had a huge language explosion in the past few weeks.  We are constantly hearing new letters and phrases.  My favorite right now is when he says vroooom while pushing around his cars or moooo when I am reading Little Cow to him.  Squeeee, he is so darned cute!   The doctor's office just went paperless, yesterday, so everyone got a kick out of him cruising over to the laptop and putting his hand up to type.  They said he probably knows more about then they do.  What a little ham.

He did get his two shots plus the first flu shot yesterday.  Holy shit, I have never seen him so fussy before when I got home from work.  He wasn't super happy yesterday to begin with because of tooth #7 but he just wasn't having anything so gave him some tylenol and luckily he woke up in a great mood today.

His actual birthday was great this weekend.  Jax go SO much stuff for his birthday from everyone that I ended up putting most of the things I bought for him in the Christmas pile.  He did end up with a new book, the Elephan Ball popper and then that annoying walking ball popper toy.  We put aside the anywhere chair, two more books, wooden puzzles, mega blocks, and a few other small things.  He'll never know, LOL.  I really think we are going to have a clothing, book, puzzle rule for Christmas because a)I can't think of any other toy he even needs and b)he have no more room.  

Jax wouldn't touch the cake at his birthday party, he seems to have a thing against cake so we bought him an ice cream cake for his actual birthday and that was a hit and a half.  He dove right in once he realized he liked the crunchy middle section.  I still need to make an appointment at Pic.ture People to get his 1 year photos done but I haven't found a good time to take him yet.