Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I have zero updates for the month! I still have yet to hear back about my moles that were removed and biopsied three weeks ago. I put in a call yesterday to see what the deal is and am waiting for a return call. I am hoping that means they were all clear, but I know that is highly unlikely with my predisposition to skin issues.

I am still not getting my period with any regularity at all, if anything my cycles are getting further and further apart with each passing month. I am going to put in a call with the RE this morning and talk with the nurse to see if there is anything we can do. My bloodwork is always normal so it wouldn't appear that I have pcos or am going into menopause but 40-50 day cycles plus cramping all month long would suggest otherwise. It just isn't possible that everything going on with me is unexplained, there has to be a reason I am not getting normal periods...or at least I hope there is because this is just beyond annoying.

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