Friday, May 8, 2009


I had 7 moles biopsied last week and all 7 came back with atypical cells in them.  The grades were one severe and then the rest were mild to moderate.  I have to have 7 separate "surgeries" because the insurance won't allow you to do them all at once which sucks.  I am ok with all of this now, actually glad that I went and that my doctor is so aggresive.  When I got home on Wednesday night and heard the message I totally freaked out.  They told me that they would just send a letter even if some were precancerous and that was the end of it.  So a phone call flipped me out combined with the fact that by the time I called them back there was no one there.   

I just thank whatever divine power that is out there that my face broke out so bad and I decided to go  now instead of in the fall like I usually do for my mole check.  I have to go every three months from now on until everything he biopsies come back benign, then I go back every 6-12 forever basically.  It might seem like a lot but if we can get rid of these when they start and never have a chance to become actual melanomas then I am game.  

My RE consult on Thursday was total bs.  We walked in and he told us that my day2 stuff all come back fine and that I passed the clomid challenge.  Well, we already knew that.  Then he said the only other problem could be genetic and that there is no testing for that so back to IVF we go.  No lupron at all this time, but other than that I didn't get a protocol.  We were in and out in 5 minutes.

That's not how they do it, its so scheduled at this new place to bring you in the max amount of times to get the max amount of co-pays.  I had the consent forms in my freaking purse for IVF but I have to go back yet another time to give those to the doctor.  So annoying but oh well.  Gotta keep these practices rolling in the big money! 

I go on Saturday morning for a hysterscopy, uterine sound(no idea wtf this is), cervical cultures, and for them to take my blood so they can do the ASA test with Chris' sperm on Thursday.   I had 17 vials of blood taken yesterday and Chris had 1.   Then I go back on the 21st for my all important giving the doctor the consent forms.  Luckily they fit me into when he is in Dover so I won't miss any work, really I might just bring them with me tomorrow and see what they say.  We have done this before, we aren't going to sue if it doesn't work, so please let me just stay at work!  Sometime after next Thursday I should actually be able to schedule my teaching class and get my drugs ordered so I have them for the teaching class.  


  1. Wow - what a scary experience and I'm so sorry that by the time you got the message no one was in the office.

    I'm glad that your Dr. is being aggressive and he's going to get these things taken care of for you.

    I'm confused about there not being any testing for genetics - what exactly does your RE mean by this?

    Thinking of you..



  2. Peachy, good luck on the mole thing. that's a little scary for sure, but how great that you are catching it early, that you went to the doctor. Which reminds me that at some point I should do the same...
