Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Quick update

I had my hysteroscope a few weeks ago and all was clear.  That test hurt like a total mother and I almost passed out on the table. 

I triggered on day 18 with only one follicle and I go in for my beta next Thursday which is sort of hysterical but if that's what they want then so be it.

I apparently have one copy of a MTHFR mutation.  Being that its only one copy the RE said they are not going to treat it and I am assuming that is why my old office never even told me about it.  I don't really know how I feel about this and may just keep taking extra folic acid each day like they used to have me do when I was on the lyrica.  It can't hurt and I would rather feel safe then sorry.  I am on the fence about the baby aspirin and am going to ask my normal GP about it next time I see him.  

The last thing is the IVF coordinator is apparently giving the doctor my file today to do my protocol.  I am not sure when this would have been done but it just once again shows that when you want something done sometimes you have to call multiple times to remind them to do it.   My consent appointment is tomorrow and I am hoping my protocol will be done by then so we can discuss it and get the meds ordered.  


  1. Good Luck at the consult appointment - let us know how it goes.

  2. Good luck next thursday. I have my beta next Friday. I use to hate the wait, but since I don't have too much faith in this cycle it's actually a nice little break from bw/re visits....
