Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Watch out for razor blades

I ended up in urgent care last night after I sliced my finger with a razor blade. Yeah not the smartest thing in the world, especially since Chris kept telling me to be careful or I would cut myself. It was all for a good cause though...I made a feral cat shelter for my 2 kittens who are living by the abandoned house next door. After I was glued back together and given a tetanus shot Chris finished the shelter for me and we put it outside for the kitties.

A quick word on the glue...get the stitches instead. I have already busted open the cut while I was sleeping somehow and now I have butterfly band aids on. Its on the inside of my finger and what is one more nasty scar at this point but I am sure it would have healed nicer with the stitches. On the plus side I don't need to go back to get the stitches out.

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