Thursday, September 11, 2008

Holy ovary pain

I did get my period today. Another whopping 25 day cycle! The pain is that I have been having pain in my left ovary area for about four days now. It even hurts when I bend over, I feel like something not quite right is going on there. I have not taken fertility drugs since July so I should not have a huge cyst but that is what it is feeling like. I have an appointment either tomorrow or Saturday with the RE for my cd 3 b/w and u/s. My educated guess at this point though is that I will have yet another cycle canceled, but this time because of the cyst. I could be totally wrong but I highly doubt it at this point.

With only a less than 10% chance at getting pregnant I am not too upset this morning. Because really, Chris and I just are not that lucky in this arena. I have absolutely no hope until we start IVF that any of this will work. Oh well.


  1. I'm sorry. Getting AF is never fun. Good Luck with your IVF!

  2. That is exactly how I felt about my IUI cycles too. I had little hope that they would work. I couldn't wait to start IVF. But I was forced to do 3 IUI's before proceeding to IVF for insurance reasons! Good luck with your ongoing IUI. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.
