Monday, April 6, 2009

Three month countdown

We are definitely going to call the other RE in May/June.  As of right now we have the insurance to cover it so really its silly at least not to try again, right?  Everyone at my husband's work who has dealt with IF has gone through him and they were all successful.  Why three months?  They say it takes three full months for any herbs/diet changes to have any effect on your egg quality and I want to have the best chance possible when we do try again.  Here is a quick list of what I am taking:
Red Clover and Red Raspberry herbs
Hopefully my hormones will be in perfect harmony by the time July rolls around and I will have slightly better egg quality.  Losing weight and excercising more I am sure will have a positive impact.  Positive thinking, Kate, positive thinking.  

You may be wondering what is going to happen to the magic pee box?  Well, we are still going to use it for now but if the Vitex works the wonders I read it does hopefully my cycles will not be nearly as irregular in the upcoming months and I won't need it.

1 comment:

  1. Girl you are going to try again - I am so happy for you - I hope the changes you are making are going to make a real difference and you get you sticky baby - enjoy your summer - and yay for trying again.
