Sunday, July 6, 2008

And then there was one...

We triggered with one follie on Friday. One just took off and left the others in the dust. The RE said if I was not already surging on my own they were going to try and wait one more day so the other two could catch up but that didn't happen. I just can't believe that earlier in the week they thought I would have to cancel because I had too many and then I only ended up with one. Bummer dude. Oh well, it only takes one..yada yada yada. So I pretty much have the same chance as I do every other month which isn't very high. It's sort of amusing that I have a better chance of miscarrying than I do of even getting pregnant in the first place. We are going to give the clomid two more months after this one and then we will go from there.

I am so bloated and constipated after the ovidrel shot. Wow. It is worse then when I was pregnant a few months ago!


  1. One follicle? Well, it's never easy and never predictable. Good luck! Hope you had a great weekend!

  2. well you know i wish nothing but the best for you with the least amount of trouble.
